Windows are typically the least secure entrance point in a home, even more so if the lock has been broken or damaged. Burglars know this and count on homeowners being careless about the upkeep of the locks, or even remembering to lock them at all. When you have a window with a broken lock, it may not be reasonable to replace the broken lock or the whole window. But fear not, you can easily secure a broken window lock with a few simple and easy steps.
Things You’ll Need to Secure the Window With a Broken Lock:
Wooden dowel
Long screws
Chain lock
Sheet metal screws
Securing a Lock on Sliding Windows
- 1. Measure the length of the exposed track when the window is completely shut.
- 2. Cut a 2 inch wooden dowel to match your measurement (you may need to take an inch or so off to be able to remove it once it is in place).
- 3. Insert the dowel into the exposed end of the track. Make sure it is all the way in and cannot be jarred out by jerking the window open. Having the dowel in place will not allow the window to slide open.
- 4. Open the window as far as you can.
- 5. Insert several sheet metal screws in 6 to 8 inch intervals along the top of the exposed track.
- 6. Adjust them as necessary to allow the window to slide below them without catching. Their presence will keep the window from being “jumped off the track” by a burgler.
Securing a Lock on Casement Windows
- 1. Obtain a chain lock (such as the kind used on doors).
- 2. Attach one side to the sash of the window and the other to the casement using the longest screws possible for both.
- 3. Shorten the chain as much as you are able to while still being able to comfortably lock it.
If you need assistance or would like us to help, feel free to call Clearview Vinyl Windows at anytime.
Original article