Saving money on household energy bills is important for you and your environment. By replacing your windows with ENERGY STAR qualified windows you can lower your energy bills 7-15 percent. Lowering energy consumption not only saves you money but the environment as fewer gas emissions are released.
Those cold winter nights shouldn’t give you the chills! A cold inside surface from an inefficient window will pull heat away from the room and your body. With ENERGY STAR qualified windows, the interior glass remains warmer while the temperature outside dip below freezing.
Did you know that approximately 75% of the sun’s heat is allowed in your home by standard double-pane windows? If you’d like to eliminate the extra sauna rooms in your home ENERGY STAR qualified windows are the solution for you. Most ENERGY STAR qualified windows reduce the “heat gain” into your home better than typical windows, without reducing visible light. All of the light without the heat.
After repeated sun exposure everything from drapes, wood floors, to photographs can fade and become discolored. With ENERGY STAR qualified coated windows you can protect monetary and sentimental belongings from harmful UV rays. UV protective coatings can reduce fading by 75 percent.