Like all windows, your vinyl windows will need to be cleaned a couple times a year. Maintaining proper care for your vinyl windows you will extend the life and most vinyl windows simply slide out of the frame making them easy to clean. It is important to use the right cleaners and what you may not know is that simple household cleaners will do the trick.
You can clean your vinyl windows by simply mixing a small amount of dish soap with water. Use a soft cloth when cleaning the windows. While cleaning, apply the soap and water in a circular motion until all dirt and debris has been removed. Any abrasive materials could have a negative effect on the surface of glass and window frames.
Mix 1 teaspoon of this Murphy’s oil soap with a gallon of water. As with dish soap, be sure to use a soft cloth and apply this mixture to the windows in smooth, circular patterns. Although these are intended to be helpful tips you should always follow the manufacturer’s directions on cleansers.
You can use bleach to clean tough stains. Bleach should be used on your vinyl windows at a 4:1 ratio of water to bleach. Apply it as you would the detergent solution. Rinse the window with clear water.
Water-based cleaners such as Windex or Lysol can be used to clean the interior of your vinyl windows. You should only spray a small amount onto the window and then remove the cleaner using a soft cloth.
If notice mold or mildew simply use vinegar to treat your windows. Apply a mixture of 30 percent vinegar to 70 percent water. This mixture will remove existing mold or mildew, and should help prevent from returning.
Aggressive organic solvents should not be used on your vinyl windows. These type of cleansers could affect the surface appearance of the vinyl. Examples of such cleansers are chlorine bleach, liquid grease remover, nail polish remover and furniture polish/cleansers.
Do not use mildly abrasive cleaners such as Ajax. Abrasive materials could have a negative effect on the surface of glass and window frames.
Proper maintenance of your vinyl windows is important to the longevity and function. The options listed above should cover just about any situation your windows would become exposed to. These options may not work for everything, like oil, paint and tar. For hard stains on your vinyl windows you should use Soft Scrub, Lestoil or Lysol. When using these products you should always follow the manufacturer’s directions on cleansers.
If you have any questions about the cleaning and maintenance of your vinyl windows give Clearview Vinyl a call – we would be happy to help!